operating rooms

Medical gas alarm systems

For more than a century, medical gases have been used in the healthcare sector for many forms of modern diagnosis and treatment, becoming crucial elements in the well-being of the patient and the operation of any hospital facility. Their uses are very diverse: from respiratory support to anaesthetic agents, to diagnose and treat various pathologies, to calibrate medical equipment, etc. These gases, being classified as medicines, must meet the highest standards of safety, quality and efficiency.

In this respect, one of the most important points is their management and control. For this, we have alarm systems for medical gases, capable of alerting of possible failures, indicating what it is and solving problems that could be very serious. Let’s get to know what they are, starting with a little more about medical gases.

All the keys to the correct design of an operating theatre

The correct design of the operating theatre is what will allow hospitals to have the most efficient operating theatres that are adaptable to the unstoppable innovation in health.

Hospitals, as a result of the social, economic and healthcare context we are going through, must optimise their resources more than ever. Efficiency, performance and innovation must go hand in hand in order to reduce healthcare spending without jeopardising increasingly patient-centred care.

Within the improvement of hospital facilities, surgical intervention areas are one of the areas where most elements have to be taken into account, and where at the same time more casuistry and problems can occur. Thus, one of the main tools for improving operating theatres is innovation in their design and conversion into modern units.

To address this issue from all angles, at ETKHO we have dissected the main keys that must be taken into account for the correct design of an operating theatre.

Equipment and facilities for haemodynamics operating theatre

Over the last two decades, the development of cath-lab rooms in hospitals has gone hand in hand with the profound transformation and innovation in hospital equipment, safety conditions and process improvement.

A profound transformation in which interventional procedures have become major players.

As new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities have appeared in this type of hospital, the level of training of medical staff, as well as the human, technical and equipment requirements, have been modified.

Find out from ETKHO what haemodynamics operating theatres consist of and what systems and elements they should contain as a basic foundation for their optimal functioning.

The hybrid operating room: design, equipment and benefits

The hybrid operating room is a great advance in the field of surgery, since, in general terms, it allows multidisciplinary work by specialists from different areas and helps to perform complex surgeries faster, easier, safer and less invasively. But what exactly is a hybrid operating room?

It is a surgical room that is equipped with advanced medical imaging/radiodiagnosis devices, allowing different diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to be carried out simultaneously.

A hybrid operating room allows the insertion of catheters or endoscopes through small holes with which to view smaller anatomical regions, greatly facilitating the surgery process.

The augmented reality in operating rooms

Augmented reality is revolutionizing the areas of medicine and surgery, especially for its innovative and supportive role in operating rooms.

In recent times, there has been a lot of talk about the possibilities of artificial intelligence and the most cutting-edge technological innovations applied to the healthcare environment.

One of the elements called to play a key role is Augmented Reality (AR), which has already meant a stark change in terms of possibilities, safety and efficacy in operating rooms.

8 ETKHO solutions for electrical safety in operating rooms

Electrical safety in medical centers, especially in critical hospital areas, is a matter that must be considered with the utmost seriousness.

Having a well-designed and complete electrical system is equivalent to taking all possible precautions beforehand and, therefore, facing the potential complications related to hospital electrical safety.

Not surprisingly, hospital units are contexts with high risks of electrical failures if they do not have an adequate electrical safety system. We are talking about failures that are not only limited to material equipment, but can cause damage and human loss.

At ETKHO, as experts in hospital electrical safety, we are specialized in the manufacture of electrical safety equipment and services for hospitals and operating rooms.

Operation of a surgery control room: key safety devices in supervision

The isolation watchdog and multi-repeater, together with the alarm repeaters, are fundamental elements in the security, control and supervision of operating rooms.

Safety in surgery and operating room control is one of the pillars for the proper functioning of the interventions, as well as to guarantee their success.

It is just as important that medical personnel know the characteristics, risks and security solutions as well as having the best devices and elements so that nothing interrupts an operation / intervention.

Design and organization of critical hospital areas

Patients, services, specialties, types of units, medical equipment … In the design and organization of critical hospital areas, a whole series of aspects must be assessed to guarantee the safety and proper functioning of the health center.

There are infinite options to define the different types of health centers: depending on their size, the services they provide,… However, in a generic way, we can define a hospital as a building where functions related to people’s health are carried out , in addition to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Each hospital has its peculiarities. However, there are some basic aspects about the design and organization of critical hospital areas that are important to assess.

Motor arm systems for critical areas and operating rooms

The main objective of tools for the health sector is usually to facilitate the work of doctors and the medical team and, of course, reduce human error. In this sense, an example of technology in hospitals are motor arm systems, especially in critical areas and operating rooms.

One of the most common medical instruments in hospitals are motor arm systems or articulated arm systems, whose advantages and benefits are multiple.

This system is an instrument made with innovative technology to facilitate surgical interventions and, at the same time, help in the recovery and well-being process of patients who have undergone surgery.

Ground connections in critical hospital areas

To understand what ground connections or earthing isolated power systems, it is important to know that all electrical power searches for any ground in order to close the circuit.

In this way, energy generally takes the shortest path and the one that represents the least resistance. Sometimes that short path can be through the human being.

Therefore, imagine that a patient is anesthetized and becomes the path to earth, the consequences can be lethal, because he will be unable to perform self-preservation actions or make decisions.