hospital engineering

Technology for the disinfection of COVID-19 in critical hospital areas

The coronavirus pandemic has driven innovation and improved disinfection in all hospital areas.

One of the immediate consequences of COVID-19 has been the intensification of cleaning and disinfection measures in hospitals, especially in critical areas.

Cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces of health centers has been and continues to be a great effort. Especially considering that virus germs can survive in any area of ​​a hospital.

Health certifications in hospitals

El diseño hospitalario, en los últimos años, está evolucionando a gran velocidad, incorporando paulatinamente elementos y conceptos que responden a las necesidades de pacientes, familias y personal sanitario.

No en vano, cada vez somos más conscientes del brutal efecto de los hospitales sobre el planeta a nivel de huella de carbono, consumo de energía, la producción de dioxinas carcinogénicas por la incineración de los desechos hospitalarios, etc.

Así, los centros de salud son instalaciones que, en aras de proveer atención de salud con calidad y calidez, no pueden dejar de lado las connotaciones técnicas, tecnológicas, administrativas y éticas que este asunto lleva aparejadas.

Hospital engineering for the design of the hospitals of the future

The work of hospital engineers is essential to introduce new technologies and materials in hospitals.

Hospital engineers are professionals whose recognition is usually not related to their importance in clinical management. These professionals play a key role in achieving centres that are more sustainable and adapted to the new social and health realities.

Nobody is aware that the future of hospitals lies in the development of the concept of smart hospitals. And it is in this evolution where efficiency, safety and well-being of the patient come into play as absolute priorities.