hospital engineering

Spain Leads a European Project on Training in Hospital Engineering

The University Hospital of Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín is leading a European project on training in hospital engineering, to be developed over three years with a budget of 400,000 euros, called Smart Healthcare Engineering.

This initiative is being launched in collaboration with the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Transilvania University (Romania), and Manisa University (Turkey), and will provide training to more than 60 final-year engineering students. This European project will begin its first year with on-site training in Gran Canaria.

The primary objective of this initiative, which is part of the Canary Islands Health Department, is to provide students with both theoretical and practical training, including visits to hospital facilities such as the Doctor Negrín Hospital.

The commitment to the SDGs of healthcare technology and electrical hospital engineering

On June 5, as every year, World Environment Day was celebrated around the world. A date to which the Healthcare Technology and electrical hospital engineering sector is also very committed, and which in recent times has been reinforcing its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by increasing its responsible initiatives with society and the planet.

This was made clear at ‘The contribution of the Healthcare Technology Sector and its stakeholders to the Sustainable Development Goals’, a conference organized by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee of the Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies, Fenin.

Hospital Engineering and data analysis: the perfect pairing

The analysis of healthcare data, through the use of Artificial Intelligence, has become a great tool to help Hospital Engineering, transforming data into useful knowledge to improve healthcare processes.

In this article we want to address the binomial Hospital Engineering and data analysis. Their mutual collaboration is changing the healthcare sector forever.

Hospital Engineering and data analysis are vital in the healthcare sector. Especially in the context of an ageing population, technological advances and the increasing complexity of healthcare systems.

In this sense, hospital engineering involves the application of technical and scientific knowledge to the design, planning, construction, maintenance and management of hospitals and health centres.

Five electrical hazards in a hospital: definition and protocol

In this article, we will detail the five main electrical hazards that can occur in a hospital and the protocol for action before, during and after an electrical incident.

The electrical safety of patients, healthcare staff and medical equipment and systems is a crucial issue in healthcare facilities. As we explain in this basic guide, the aim is to avoid problems that could harm the health of patients and the operation of the healthcare centre and medical staff. In other words: to prevent and know how to act in the face of the main electrical risks in a hospital.

Electricity is an integral part of most modern hospitals.

Patient electrical safety: a basic guide

The electrical safety of patients in healthcare centres is a matter of absolute priority, both to avoid problems with electrical current that could harm the health of patients and the operation of the healthcare centre and medical staff.

In this article we will look at some of the crucial elements in ensuring the electrical safety of the patient, such as the standards, the type of electrical system and its elements, and what to do to eliminate and deal with the dangers and risks that exist.

Hospital electrical safety can be defined as the group of preventive actions we take to minimise or eliminate the risk of accidents to patients, medical equipment and infrastructure, and healthcare personnel.

The development and challenges in hospital engineering

In this article, we will learn about the latest and most important developments in hospital engineering, how they are changing the healthcare landscape and what challenges and challenges lie ahead for the industry.

Hospital engineering is a discipline that combines engineering, architecture and medicine. It is a constantly evolving field whose main objective is to improve efficiency and safety, as well as the comfort of patients and medical staff in hospitals. Globally, great advances have been made in this area in recent decades. Let us look at some of them in detail.

Towards the perfect hospital

Hospitals that do not look like refrigerators or cold and grey mega-constructions, warm, spacious, well-lit healthcare centres with large windows and a welcoming décor, comfortable rooms for both staff and patients and their families, and adequate and renovated hospital equipment.

This is what the public, patients, healthcare professionals and the sector in general have been looking for in recent years. It is the most common request in search of the perfect hospital. That ideal place for which there is still a long way to go…

So how can we achieve the perfect hospital? Or at least, health centres that respond to the requests and needs not only of today, but of the future. These are some of the keys, methods and trends that can be followed, both for hospital equipment and for improving rooms, wards, areas, floors, environments, etc.

Batteries and emergency power supply units in hospitals: what you need to know

For decades, the implementation of technology in the different spheres of human life has transformed the way we consume, relate to each other and live. It has certainly transformed it for the better. After all, a priori, technology makes our lives easier. However, as we use more and more electronic systems in our daily lives, we also become more energy dependent.

That is why, in a field such as healthcare, the use of batteries for emergency supply units in hospitals is essential to guarantee permanent access to the power supply, even in the most complicated situations or in exceptional events that may cause, for example, power cuts.

Today we want to address the importance of batteries and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for the proper functioning of the healthcare system.

Data networks in hospitals

The daily life of hospitals and any type of health centre is mainly focused on patient medical care. However, beyond people, there are also a series of factors that are part of hospital management and that we cannot ignore.

One of the elements that has gained the most weight recently has been that related to sensitive data that is collected in hospitals and health centres and that, although indirectly, also contributes to good patient care and proper functioning both from a medical and organizational point of view. For example: hospital data networks. Let’s talk about all of this in this article.

All the keys to the correct design of an operating theatre

The correct design of the operating theatre is what will allow hospitals to have the most efficient operating theatres that are adaptable to the unstoppable innovation in health.

Hospitals, as a result of the social, economic and healthcare context we are going through, must optimise their resources more than ever. Efficiency, performance and innovation must go hand in hand in order to reduce healthcare spending without jeopardising increasingly patient-centred care.

Within the improvement of hospital facilities, surgical intervention areas are one of the areas where most elements have to be taken into account, and where at the same time more casuistry and problems can occur. Thus, one of the main tools for improving operating theatres is innovation in their design and conversion into modern units.

To address this issue from all angles, at ETKHO we have dissected the main keys that must be taken into account for the correct design of an operating theatre.