
Alarm repeaters

Current alarm repeaters, in addition to their basic and logical use, which is to ‘snitch’ about an error or possible problem situation, have evolved to help medical personnel act. And it is that health workers have often considered this alarm as a necessary ‘nuisance’, seeing its required maintenance as a nuisance.

The fact is that, with some frequency, medical personnel have not known how to act in the face of these alarms. Or they simply did not know the risk situation that was taking place, especially in the alarms related to electrical safety.

But today, alarm repeaters not only provide additional information to medical personnel, but indicate what to do at all times to remedy the situation, or who to call. With them, touch screens also stand out on technical panels, for example in operating rooms, which allows the graphic display of the alarm with icons and colors.

Current outlook of hospital energy cost and consumption

Improving efficiency in energy consumption in hospitals has many advantages and is a crucial aspect for the future of these health centers in the coming years.

The price of electricity is shooting up 25% in energy costs for hospitals. That is the reality that health centers are experiencing due to the global energy crisis, which is increasing the price of electricity to unapproachable limits for many people and companies.

According to the Spanish media Redacción Médica, hospital centers are going through very hard times and uncertainty due to the year-on-year increase in the price of electricity of 25 percent. According to Sedisa, 100,000 euros the monthly bill for electricity consumption of an average hospital. Hospitals spend more and more energy because they take on more and more activities, and also the VAT they pay and pay is 21%: there is no reduced price for these rates.

As they explain, part of the country’s health centers do not have the price of electricity closed. This causes that there is a real increase on what they pay in each invoice. Especially taking into account that the energy consumption of hospitals is around 3% of the country’s total.

Robotics in hospitals

Through Artificial Intelligence (AI), robots in the medical field are transforming the way surgeries are performed, the way patients are cleaned, cared for or disinfected.

Robotics for patient care and assistance in hospitals, to optimise all processes involving healthcare professionals and for the surgical operations themselves, is the present and the future of hospital technology.

Health centres nowadays have the option of having robots in practically any room, whether in the operating and surgical areas, waiting rooms, patient rooms, cleaning areas…

The adaptation of Artificial Intelligence and robotic surgery to the clinical industry is an unstoppable phenomenon. These devices, in the medical field, are transforming the way surgeries are performed, cleaned, cared for or disinfected. These robots, during the COVID-19 pandemic, have been deployed throughout hospitals and clinics, delivering excellent performance.

Biophilic design in hospitals: the importance of natural light in the health of patients

The truth is that a change is taking place in the design of sanitary facilities. Functionality, without taking a back seat, has given way to the patient and their well-being. To achieve this, one of the most useful and simple measures with a better cost-benefit ratio is the biophilic design.

A well-distributed environment with fresh air, with a good proportion of openings to the outside and good natural lighting, provides improvements in the health of patients and healthcare personnel. From reducing hospitalization time to reducing patient mortality, reducing pain, reducing stress… It is proven that the connection with nature alleviates anxiety and optimizes the experiences of users, family members and health workers in health environments. It is betting on the motto “home away from home”.

Hospital safety equipment maintenance protocol

The maintenance management of safety medical equipment in hospitals contributes to providing better and greater productivity of services and equipment.

The quality of the healthcare environment is often determined based on this management, determining the final expenses and costs of the hospital safety equipment, the quality of patient care and the confidence of the healthcare professional.

For this reason, the professionals who are in charge of the management of the medical team have to make sure that this type of device is up-to-date, works correctly and can extend its useful life to the maximum without giving up its optimal functioning.

How to get it? Through the implementation of maintenance protocols for security equipment in hospitals.

Prevention of occupational hazards in hospitals

It is essential to guarantee the prevention of occupational risks to all workers in health centers.

The famous popular saying “in the blacksmith’s house, a wooden knife” can well be applied to the prevention of occupational hazards in hospitals. The reason? That historically occupational health has not been especially considered in centers that, precisely, look after the health of people and patients.

A contradiction that in recent years, fortunately, has undergone an important paradigm shift. The job security of health workers begins to gain more and more strength. Especially, after situations as serious as those we have experienced with the coronavirus pandemic. But there is a lot of work to be done.

Hospitals are those large work centers whose activity encompasses the diagnosis, treatment and care of the sick. But, and sometimes even more important, with lives at stake, it is essential to value the work of professionals.

Technology for the disinfection of COVID-19 in critical hospital areas

The coronavirus pandemic has driven innovation and improved disinfection in all hospital areas.

One of the immediate consequences of COVID-19 has been the intensification of cleaning and disinfection measures in hospitals, especially in critical areas.

Cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces of health centers has been and continues to be a great effort. Especially considering that virus germs can survive in any area of ​​a hospital.

Health certifications in hospitals

El diseño hospitalario, en los últimos años, está evolucionando a gran velocidad, incorporando paulatinamente elementos y conceptos que responden a las necesidades de pacientes, familias y personal sanitario.

No en vano, cada vez somos más conscientes del brutal efecto de los hospitales sobre el planeta a nivel de huella de carbono, consumo de energía, la producción de dioxinas carcinogénicas por la incineración de los desechos hospitalarios, etc.

Así, los centros de salud son instalaciones que, en aras de proveer atención de salud con calidad y calidez, no pueden dejar de lado las connotaciones técnicas, tecnológicas, administrativas y éticas que este asunto lleva aparejadas.

Hospital design: building the healthcare centers of the future

Hospital design, in recent years, has been evolving at high speed, gradually incorporating elements and concepts that respond to the needs of patients, families and healthcare personnel.

Not surprisingly, we are increasingly aware of the brutal effect of hospitals on the planet in terms of carbon footprint, energy consumption, the production of carcinogenic dioxins due to the incineration of hospital waste, etc.

Thus, health centers are facilities that, in order to provide quality and warm health care, cannot ignore the technical, technological, administrative and ethical connotations that this matter carries with it.

Isolation transformers for medical use

Medical-grade electrical transformers prevent system failures and protect patients and healthcare personnel from electrical shock.

Circuits that cannot withstand direct current load need protection. The isolation transformer provides that protection, increasing or declining the alternating currents before they reach the main equipment to which it is connected.

Therefore, isolation transformers separate a part of an electrical circuit from the main powers, guaranteeing the proper functioning of the unit. We are talking about transformers that are similar to any other type, but found in applications that have sensitive circuits.

The transformers for clinical use are manufactured to guarantee the maximum safety of hospital patients, managing to isolate the external electrical supply from the power supply of the different elements and machines used in medicine.